High resolution ROC Forest Change Atlas


The forest is located in the heart of very large major environmental and societal concerns.It's a purveyor of a wide range of environmental services crucial to followed by a significant portion of humanity, some people living in the most precarious conditions. The green economy, if it has as its objective the eradication of poverty must contribute to the health of forest ecosystems.

During the last quarter of 2011, the Institute of Energy and Environment of the Francophonie, a subsidiary organ of the International Organization of Francophonie has set up a scientific committee in order to create a folder on the theme of forests in the context of the green economy for sustainable development, such as scientific contribution of the Francophonie discussions initiated by the community internationnale on strengthening the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Plan of Action Johannesburg as part of the Rio 20.

The committee, led by Professor Claude Villeneuve, Director of the Chair in Eco-Council of the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC), has worked from October 2011 to May 2012 and produced a study of more than 500 pages including this aricle is synthesis.

The complete study is available via the following links: http://www.iepf.org/ressources/ressources-pub-desc.php?id=490, http://www.francophonie.org, http://www.mediaterre.org and http://synapse.uqac.ca.

In the book "Forests and people: a community of destiny", a quarantine authors from la Francophonie have explored the pitfalls and opportunities of the green economy for poverty eradication in the forestry sector.

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