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Launch Ceremony of the FACET DRC Atlas
The presentation ceremony of the FACET Atlas was held on April 5, 2011 at the Grand Hotel in Kinshasa. It was chaired by His Excellency José Endundo Bononge, Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), His Excellency Mr James ENTWISTLE, U.S. Ambassador to the DRC and Mr. John Flynn, Director of the Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE).
Departure of Dr. John Flynn
Director of CARPE John Flynn retired after done an excellent job for the benefit of conservation and sustainable management of natural resources in the Congo Basin.
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
The forest is located in the heart of very large major environmental and societal concerns.It's a purveyor of a wide range of environmental services crucial to followed by a significant portion of humanity, some people living in the most precarious conditions. The green economy, if it has as its objective the eradication of poverty must contribute to the health of forest ecosystems.